A good rule of thumb is often to start simple and add detail where needed. 726 may not sound like a great deal of polygons, but if this is used 40 times in a level, you will really start to see the savings. In this diagram, the same shape mesh has 156 triangles on the right and 726 on the left. The method you use to construct objects can have a massive effect on the number of polygons, especially when not optimized. Where you can afford them, evenly spaced polygons in buildings, landscape and architecture will help spread lighting and avoid awkward kinks.

Sensibly named objects help you find things quickly Mesh This can often save time when running updates and importing unnecessary data. With big projects in your 3D application, consider having a working file outside your Unity project directory.Keep your hierarchies as simple as you can.Use simple but descriptive names for both objects and files in order to allow for duplication later.Avoid special characters such as *()?"#$.This helps you locate and troubleshoot specific Meshes in your project. Name objects in your Scene sensibly and uniquely.Because of this, it is a good idea to set this consistently across your pipeline (for example, at 30fps). Animation frame rate defaults can be different in different packages.If in doubt, export a meter cube with your Scene to match in Unity.For example, if you want to achieve Scale Factor = 1, File Scale = 1 and Object Transform Scale = 1, use the 3D application-native file formats, listed in Importing Objects.See documentation on Importing models for more information. Make sure you check the FBX import scale setting in Inspector. Unity has different scaling for FBX and 3D application files on import.Be aware that different systems use different units - for example, the system unit default for Max is inches while in Maya it is centimeters.